Thursday, May 3, 2007

her beautiful love and tender heart

Went to Mrs. Pang's yesterday and she gave me tons of freshly picked flowers

from her backyard as well as a grey vase, cuz i told her that she is giving me

more flowers than the number of vessels, glasses, mugs, beer cans,

wine bottles, and whatever else that can be used to hold them in my house.

And this is the new haircut she just recently got from one of her past student.

She jokingly told me she was feeling quite unsure when she sat down inhe salon where

the student works cuz he has only one year's experience. However, I know by

heart that even if this student has no experience or whatsoever but a passion

and dream for becoming a hair stylist, Mrs. Pang would have asked him already for a hair cut.

Indeed, she is truly a god-sent, for everyone of her stuents, old or new,

and yes, including me.


Anonymous said...

3rd and 6th picture is nice!
love Mrs. Pang's garden so much :D

Wei-lin said...

I am Wei-lin from Taichung. I saw your article at PPT. I had left some message, but I didn’t know it worked or not.(PS. It’s funny-I am not good at BBS system.)
Recently, I’d like to learn about photography. I was attracted to a series of garden photos you took. I always dream that I own a yard in which I could plant some tulips and my dog could run around me.