Saturday, November 25, 2006

Day 25 → 幻燈片底下的 SUB woods

a. early autumn

(click here for enlargement)
taken with tokina 28mm-85mm/3.5f-4.5f
in Kodak Color Chrome Slide film

I don't know how many people have actually seen a slide.
Here is one, reproduced using a digital camera.
The real thing looks X times better, imagine that!

The idea of reproducing slides using digital
camera was inspired by a good friend of mine,
a talented film camera photographer, Pavel


postcards from far away... said...

I just developed a roll of slides too!! But I am thinking of scanning it :D

Tree said...

really? how exciting!
u can't scan slides yourself though, have to ask the lab to do it for you. but the image quality is very crappy compared to the actually slides you will find. let me know how it turns out anyway :)