Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Day 28 → 10th ave.
taken with 1.7f/55mm MC Rokkor
scanned from prints, unedited
i lomoized some photos using photoshop which were to be posted
today. but at the end i still find that i like this original photo more than
any other edited ones (by me of course) no matter how much more attractive
they were. maybe i'll post them tomorrow. they are kind of interesting.
i learned a lot of interesting things about photoshop today thanks again to
LE especially the instructors: Eric, Chord, Jerry, and Paulu.
I am not sure if I have really gotten every items presented today but
i am sure i'll remember how to calibrate the color of a photograph
using the white test tube icon thingy
and which 補習班老師 i should hire when my kids in future need help in school work ;)
Posted by
12:41 AM
Monday, November 27, 2006
Day 27 → Coming
Posted by
11:49 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2006
ntoes on manual lens
The reasons you might want to step backwards to manual focus lenses are:
1.) Lower cost
2.) Smaller size and lower weight.
3.) Faster f/stops ideal for use with slides hand-held in low light, also with lower size, weight and cost compared to zooms
4.) Standardized 52mm filters. You can have every lens from 20 mm to 200mm, including PC shift and macro lenses, take the same 52mm filters.
5.) Much better mechanics. The manual lenses are works of mechanical art with their very high quality metal construction and flawless precision. The focus rings can be operated with a single finger and work at all temperatures. The manual lenses feel much better than AF lenses when used manually.
6.) Easier focusing. The AF lenses are a little skittish when focused manually, since they are designed for speed on AF cameras. By comparison the manual lenses are a joy to focus by hand. Also fixed lenses are easier to focus manually, since zoom lenses focused manually usually focus too slowly at wide and too fast at tele.
Posted by
10:10 PM
Day 25 → 幻燈片底下的 SUB woods
in Kodak Color Chrome Slide film
I don't know how many people have actually seen a slide.
Here is one, reproduced using a digital camera.
The real thing looks X times better, imagine that!
The idea of reproducing slides using digital
camera was inspired by a good friend of mine,
a talented film camera photographer, Pavel
Posted by
4:38 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Day 24 → Garden Shop
taken on 10th ave. and Sasamat. these plants were sitting in front of
a lovely garden store on 10th ave. i was a bit shy or nervous should i say when taking
this picture. I recalled I constantly looked inside the store to make
sure that no one was about to unleash their
dogs as I composed the frame.
.............[short of sentence]
but anyway, the color turned out pretty nice, so
i am happy :)
Posted by
11:35 PM
Day 23 → Keep It Spectacular !
a. Autumn + b. 攝影是 + c. freestyle
"Keep it Spectacular (by Keeping it Clean) !"
i like this photo a lot, cuz the object itself is very interesting.
i know it might seem like nothing and boring but i like the look of it
and the idea of the making. i am gonna call this one a freestyle for the
category C for the apparent reason. I am also attempting to push
this for qualifying as an Autumn photo- my theme for category A, for that it's
taken during the Autumn. LOL
Ok, i actually realize i want to call this photo for
category B competition as well since today's topic
is "攝影是.." i personally think
photography is the absolute manifestation of one's personal
experiences and perceptions.
Therefore, to me it's all about learning the spirit of expressing what
you believe in
and what you feel for even when
no body else in the world would give a damn.
as an Autumn photo, i might as
well 攎它 all the way
Posted by
2:16 AM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Day 22 → leaf and food
a. Autumn
b. 美食 (inspired by umie )
fresh tomato was taken back in 2004 spring if my memory served
me well. I like to eat tomatoes fresh especially when they are
nicely riped. it has this unique 爽口ness and its sweetness
is very 不膩 (pardon my lazy use of mixed
languages) if you know what i mean.
yes, it has always been my favourite fruit, second to none,
except the taiwanese papaya and the huge ass sweet
碰柑 during their season. the special thing though about
fresh tomato is that it's one of the very very few food
that i can brag to my family and friends in taiwan because
the ones here are actually better than what they have
on the fruit kingdom of taiwan
yes, a dish that i cooked back in ottawa that i dig out.
I like its crispy green look and the elevating of hot air.
Posted by
2:49 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Day 21 → 距離感
還是 少放了關於自己的介紹?
有點嚴肅 有點孤傲
孤傲.. 是這個字眼嗎?
北京市 現在新實行的一向捕狗政策
那就是 市政府的人可以任意進入
1.為了迎接奧運 減少和避免狂犬病
2.減少流浪犬和狗的戶外大小便 影響市容
1.中產階級 反彈激烈 認為這是宇宙霹靂最懶惰最沒人性的管理狗的方法
2.愛狗人士 捨不得愛犬 只好搬出北京城外郊區處
this is quite a news and policy that i heard today. it made me think quite a both
about respect for life and about the way how public policy is made in different
place different systems of government and its pros and cons.
daryl is a super cool dude who does things always
so systematically and efficiently. i have a lot to learn from him.
he will be a prof one day i have the feeling.
and a very good one.
outside of a restaurant called.....something something
unedited, fuji superia color film 100 ISO
Posted by
6:32 AM
Monday, November 20, 2006
Day 20 → Fall's Path
[1] [2] taken in UBC
there is this small path across street from the korean
grocery shop. walking in for for about 5 minutes
there is a somewhat hidden but gorgeous residential
area with beautiful trees with dark and tall trunk neatly
aligned along the two sides of sidewalk extending
beyond the furthest point the eye sight can reach.
ps. in [2] if you drill thru the thick bush on the left, you'll see the bus loop
miolta XE-7
fuji superia 100
lens 1.7f / 55mm.
Posted by
12:54 AM
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Day 19 → Sky
Fuji Superia 100[2]
Lens: MC Rokkor 1.7f/55mm
Posted by
1:40 AM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Day 18 → Portrait (C)
Minolta XE-7 (film SLR )
Posted by
3:09 PM
Day 18 → Autumn's Shadow
I always found this building kind of neat. Its wall is uniquely white and clean,
like fish belly. Its second floor has this long chain of big silver modern windows,
some are open , some are not. These differently but trimly positioned windows
reflected sunlight in various angles that when seen as you walked down the Main
Mall, resemble fish scales that swim through the sun light.
Posted by
1:38 AM
Friday, November 17, 2006
Day 8→ Wooden Bench
photos of 730am sky with the cheapest Canon digital camera available in
market, outcome was quite good however, to me at least. then i jumped
into the (his mother's cold) ubc pool at 740am. made to the first class on time, something
i wasn't able to accomplish for quite a while. but i fell asleep throughtout.
took off from school to get a haircut at 10th ave. ABC photolab at 4th ave. after
getting of from Sasamat stop, on the way to the barber's i finished a new roll of
24-exposure film. saw a warm and cozy looking restaurent called Burgoo, shot
some pictures at a leaf on its outdoor patio table, plants from its neibouring garden store,
the wooden 扛棒 of a veterinary clinic couple stores down.....etc. dropped off a
slide film and at the time an out-of-no-where thought hit me, i asked the lab to
make a negative film of some beautifully saturated red leaves fallen on the black
mud that i posted a few days ago here into an 8x11 enlarged photo. looking forward
to pick it up next week. will mount it onto a styrofoam board, hang it on a nice spot
in my room. i want to listen to jazz and look at this photography from my sofa when
i get drunk next time. ate a strawberry sundae in McDonald, together with a big Mac
meal at 3:30pm. l came to the 4pm tutorial ten minutes late, extremely under prepared.
however i felt i definitely had to loosen up myself before entering the room with nothing
prepared, so i took a piss in the buidling's toilet. but somehow, i forget how,
miraculously i managed to make the entire class of about 80 students to paid
attention at me and laughed for the first time. i actually get the feeling that they were really
interest in what i said and didn't notice that i didn't really understand the
material myself. perhaps my randomly improvised crap was better than the real stuff the
instructor gave me. it was almost entirely dark when i walked out the building at 5:25pm,
but the agronomy road under the deep blue sky and warmly lit street lights was
too gorgeous, i put the slr on the pavement and groveled my entire frontal body
against the pavement floor with two legs tied straightened so that my eyes can
get down to the height of the viewfinder. as i was down on the pavement
manuevering my face in an attempt to put my eyes on the viewfinder window, two
grey hair old men walked by and smiled. came home and finally got the intel-
funded research project that i was assigned to started, supposingly the most important piece
of work in my two years here, which really should have been started off a month ago.
and till now, i still haven't showered or ate.
quite a full day........, kind of.
probably would have felt even fuller had i ate my dinner.
: )
Posted by
9:59 PM